Saturday, February 02, 2008

Creamer Pyramids

Sunset Grill is the most perfect breakfast spot that ever existed within a 2 minute walking distance of my living space. I can get a solid meal for 4.99, it's not too greasy, the service is always great and most importantly, there is always a hearty bowl of coffee creamers available at the table.

You see, it's kind of a tradition for me to make pyramids out of coffee creamers when the opportunity presents itself, which it always does at Sunset Grill. But I have never received so much attention over a creamer pyramid as I did this morning. Zack was paying for breakfast and while waiting, I proceeded to complete a 5-story, colour-coordinated beauty of a pyramid. A cleaning lady walked past, looked at my creation with much interest and erupted into spits of laughter. "That's great," she choked.

The only flaw with today's pyramid was that I was one creamer short of a full one, so I topped it with a packet of butter. No sooner had I placed the butter on top than a waiter swooped in and presented me with one more creamer, so my pyramid could be properly finished.

Zacky came back and I handed him the rejected packet of butter. "Destroy it," I said. He took aim, and with one foul swoop, knocked the pyramid into shambles.


Blogger Keah and Michael O'Hearon said...

Wendy, I just want you to know that your my hero! I also feel that you need to post more often!

8:49 PM  

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